באתי לגני
Basi L'Gani
Your one-stop resource for
י'-י"א שבט ה'תשפ"ה
~ שנת השבעים וחמש ~
Yud Shevat 5785
~ 75 Years ~
Books - ספרים
המאמר של תש"י
מבואר ע"י ר' יקותיאל גרין
English translation of the Previous Rebbe's Last Ma'amar and The Rebbe's First Ma'amar - By Rabbi Eliyahu Touger
Published By Sichos in English
More Resources
An In-Depth Overview of the Basi LGani Ma'amorim, By
A Chassidisher Derher Magazine
(click image which will open up that magazine, and scroll down to page 34-35)
Video/Audio of Basi LGani 5710 -
By Rabbi Levi Garelik
To replay in Shul after Tefilos, as per the custom (if no one can recite it live).
Chapters 1,2 - After Ma'ariv - HERE
Chapters 3,4 - After Shachris - HERE
Chapter 5 - After Mincha - HERE
(Videos and Customs posted with permission, Courtesy of SichosAcademy.org
with customs for observance of the Hilula-Yartzeit
Courtesy of Chayenu
ליו״ד שבט
עם מנהגים ליום ההילולא
Video Clips of the Rebbe's Yud Shvat Farbrengens, By JEM on Chabad.org (Gallery)
Mishnayos corresponding to the Frierdiker Rebbe's name, to learn on Yud Shevat -
Prepared by Yagdil Torah of Crown Heights
Fascinating video Shiur by Rabbi Levi Garelik
on Yud Shevat - Click here
Basi LGani
for Kids
with excerpts in Yiddish & English
(Click image)
עיונים בהסוגיא - ע"י ר' ישראל רובין
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